Is your relationship with your roommates beginning to change after a few years of good times? Do you feel as though you might just be better off living on your own and moving out? If so, this blog will assist you in making a clear decision. Here are the signs to look for when it’s time to look for a new roommate.
Reexamine how you feel about your living situation right now. Are you comfortable and happy? Or do you feel like you are settling for a tiny room and a lack of amenities just to make your roommates comfortable? Do whatever it takes to give yourself an upgrade if you are tired of dealing with the lack of space. If your roommates do not want to be the ones to move out, then let them find someone else to fill in your spot. It is time to put yourself first in this type of situation.
All right, so you might love your apartment and you’ve got more than enough room. There are still some other things that you should keep an eye on if that is the case. While it is great to get along with your roommate, if you become completely too reliant on them, it can become a problem. When did you actually go out to a bar for the last time without at least of one of your roommates? Have there many any times that you abandoned your duties because you would rather hang out with your roommates or party with them? If you feel as though you have become a different person since living with them, you may need to start that new roommate search right away.
People grow up as time passes and their priorities change. Perhaps it’s time for you to seriously consider moving out if you’re at the point in your life where you want to chase a serious relationship and begin building a family of your own. If you always have roommates, you may not feel comfortable having anyone of to your personal space at home because you share that personal space with other people. In addition to personal relationships, having your family visit from out of town can also cause issues with them staying at your apartment. They most likely have to spend money on a hotel room. This is the time to be more independent and start living a life with people you care the most about.
Whatever you decide to do, don’t be too hard on yourself. Just because you are moving on from your current roommate situation, it does not mean that you won’t be friends with your roommates anymore. In some circumstances, creating space may even bring you closer as friends instead of roommates.